Group Members
Untitled Document Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian, Ph.D. is the Director and Principal Investigator of the Computational
Ocularscience laboratory. Currently, Dr. Balasubramanian serves as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a secondary appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Memphis. In the same department, he served as Assistant Professor from August 2013 to August 2019. Previously, from July 2011 to August 2013, he was Assistant Project Scientist in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of California, San Diego.
His current research interests are broadly in the areas of 1) studying the structure of the optic nerve head and retinal function (electrophysiology) in normal eyes and eyes with progression of glaucoma, and 2) multiphysical modeling as well as experimental validation of ocular therapeutics.
He received the Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering from Muthiah Polytechnic, Annamalai Nagar, India, in 1995; the B.E. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, in 1998; the M.S. degree in systems science and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, in 2003 and 2006, respectively; and Postgraduate Medical Study and Fellowship in Glaucoma Research from the University of California San Diego, La Jolla in June 2011.
At present, Dr. Balasubramanian is a member of the following professional societies: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO; since 2003); and Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE; since 2003).
Selected Academic Awards
- NIH/NEI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence award recipient in 2011.
- Imaging and Perimetry Society–Heidelberg Engineering Young Researchers Award on "Relationship of Morphology and Function" in 2010.
- PSG College of Technology Alumni Award for the best Bachelor of Engineering project in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 1998.
- Ranked second overall in a 3-year Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering among ~300 polytechnic schools in the state of Tamilnadu, India in 1995.
Untitled Document Fisseha Ferede is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Memphis. He is conducting his doctoral dissertation research work in the Computational Ocularscience laboratory.
Mr. Ferede graduated with a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), one of the top universities in science and technology. Mr. Ferede received his M.S. degree with a major in Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Memphis. He conducted his M.S. thesis research entitled, "Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation" in the computational ocular laboratory.
Mr. Ferede's current research interests lie at the intersection of computer vision and machine learning. Specifically, he is conducting his reseearch in the areas of optical flow estimation, video interpolation, video next-frame prediction and video compression.
Selected Academic Achievements / Experience:
- First place in the Graduate Engineering category, Student Research Forum (SRF) 2023, The University of Memphis, USA.
- Herff doctoral graduate fellowship, The University of Memphis, USA.
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) internship scholarship, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
- Undergraduate Research Program (URP) research grant, KAIST, South Korea.
Untitled Document - Mr. Fisseha Ferede, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2022
- M.S. Thesis: Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation
- Employment at the time of graduation: Continuing with Ph.D. dissertation research
- Dr. Jabia M. Choudhury, Ph.D. (Computer Engg.), May 2022
- Ph.D. Dissertation: Multiphysics-based Computational Modeling of Ocular Therapeutics
- Employment at the time of graduation: Postdoc, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo
- Last known employment:: Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University - Texarcana (Since Aug 2023)
- Dr. Hanieh Shabanian, Ph.D. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2021
- Ph.D. Dissertation: Stereo Correspondence using Probabilistic Graphical Models for 3D Reconstruction
- Employment at the time of graduation: Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Northern Kentucky University
- Dr. Ali Salehi, Ph.D. (Computer Engg.), Aug 2021
- Ph.D. Dissertation: Learning Motion Estimation
- Employment at the time of graduation: Senior Scientist, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
- Mr. Jaya Rama Kapil Sridhara, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2019
- M.S. Project: Exploratory Analysis of San Francisco Airbnb Data & Prediction of Optimal Price for a Property
- Employment at the time of graduation: Big data Technical Engineering, Informatica
- Ms. Jabia M. Chowdhury, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Aug 2018
- M.S. Thesis: Computational Modeling of Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Drug Delivery for Intraocular Pressure Control in Glaucoma
- Employment at the time of graduation: Continued for Ph.D. degree
- Mr. Srinivas Rajaraman, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2017
- M.S. Thesis: Functional Biomarkers for Detecting Glaucoma Progression
- Internship: Aktana, San Francisco
- Employment at the time of graduation: ZL Technologies
- Dr. Rupesh Singh, Postdoctoral Research, May 2015 to Aug 2017
- Employment at the time of training completion: Director of Animal Imaging Core and Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Ophthalmology at Cleveland Clinic
- Ms. Sindhu Pulimi, M.S. (Computer Engg.), May 2017
- M.S. Project: Optimizing MXNet Deep Learning Framework
- Internships: FedEx IT division (summer), Intel, Portland (8 months)
- Employment at the time of graduation: Software Engineer at FedEx
- Mr. Wasi Uddin Ahmed, M.S. (Computer Engg.), May 2017
- M.S. Thesis: Building 3-D geometry of retinal vasculature from optical coherence tomography volume scans
- Employment at the time of graduation: Technical Services Engineer, Geotab
- Ms. Satya Surya Pavani Peri, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2016
- M.S. Project: Detecting glaucomatous progression from changes in the visual function of the eye
- Employment at the time of graduation: Business Systems Analyst II, State of Mississippi
- Ms. Gowri Hebbelmath, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2016
- M.S. Project: Automated analysis of normal and glaucomatous optic nerve head topography images
- Employment at the time of graduation: Business Analyst, State of Tennessee
- Mr. Praveen Kurra, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2015
- M.S. Project: Software build and release management
- Employment at the time of graduation: Verizon
- Mr. Fisseha Ferede, M.S. (Computer Engg.), Dec 2022